Happy fall everyone. Here are a few timepieces the shop are working on right now:
➳Movement Replacement, Seth Thomas Grandfather clock
From quiet & still....
to Up, & Running!
The escape wheel & verge(piece on top of the wheel)
aka what makes the clock "tick" and "tock"!
➳Junghans Wall Clock movement repair/cleaning
Worn, in need of TLC! Pulled apart to get Finished! Beautiful!
those nooks & crannies
➳Waterbury Time & Strike Shelf Clock
On the
the test stand!
➳Yes, We Do Cuckoos!
1 Day Cuckoo w/ Dancers Gunked up movements/parts mean
no dancing or chirping for this clock
Movement cleaned, and ready to fill it's owners space with joy!
I hope you enjoy seeing the work that continues to bring myself, and the owners of these beautiful pieces joy. Until next month!